Friday 24 August 2012

Ghanaians are unappreciative people- DKB responds

Zainab and DKB- Big Brother Star Game

The management of Ghanaian comedian and TV personality DKB (Big Brother Star Game) has responded to an article which was published online earlier this week suggesting that the comedian claimed that Ghanaians do not appreciate their own comedians. Ecstasy Entertainment, management of DKB finds this article an attempt to defame DKB, whom people already want to vilify.

In a press statement released by the management company they commented:

“In their bid to depict DKB as a renegade, they used the title “DKB claims Ghanaians are unappreciable people” which is not only grammatically incorrect but also meant to sway Ghanaians into thinking he said they are unappreciative people. We want to state emphatically that he didn’t blatantly say it as it was reported but rather he had a hypothetical approach towards it.”

“What brought up this topic was a phone-in interview session by Angel Fm, Kumasi, during an entertainment discussion when DKB was called to give his opinion on why it seems Ghanaians do not support Ghanaian comedians but prefer their Nigerian counterparts. He replied saying most Ghanaians do not give new/upcoming comedians enough chance to show them what they can do but rather compare them to the best and already established Nigerian comedians, resulting in the conclusion that the Nigerian acts are better off than the Ghanaian ones."

“He ended by saying that anyone who wanted to do comedy in Ghana should not wait for all Ghanaians to support him before he launches his career, but should instead start by doing enough research with the little support he gets from the beginning and would gradually gain the support of the rest when they come to realize what he has to offer. In other words, they should not rely solely on Ghanaian support for their careers to be successful, but also on their research and creativity which would make them better comedians.”

“These were the original words of DKB during the interview; he at no point stated that Ghanaians are ‘unappreciable or unappreciative’. The article published was a misinformation with irreparable malice intended. We would not take responsibility for the misdirected actions of someone but nonetheless sympathize with the readers who were in one way or the other hurt, provoked or offended by that said article. An unqualified apology from the writers to our beloved Ghanaians and our artiste-DKB would be appropriate”.

From GhanaWeb

1 comment:

  1. DKB seriously needs to get his acts together. He's getting popular for the wrong reasons.


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